And Just Like That The Last Supper Part 2: Entrée | Restaurateur - Dora Philip

Jacqueline Hanzl & Dora Philip Season 2 Episode 1

Dora is a restaurateur, marketer, events manager, mom, & wife. Jackie & Dora discuss the season 2 finale of And Just Like That - The Last Supper Part 2: Entrée. They discuss being women approaching their 50s, expectations, misogyny in the restaurant business, & personal experiences with miscarriage & abortion.

Hosted & produced by Jackie Hanzl


Music written & produced by Jeff Kadlic

Part of

Jacqueline Hanzl (00:03.182)

Jacqueline Hanzl (00:12.93)
Hello everyone and welcome to Made with Jackie Hanzel. With me today is Dora Philipp and she is an entrepreneur, I have to read it, restaurateur, digital marketer, mom and wife. So welcome Dora. Oh, I forgot to mention, and Dora was also a college roommate of mine back, I think sophomore year, right? Yeah, sophomore year. Yes. So good to be here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're welcome. So glad you agreed to come on.

We are talking about season two of And Just Like That, the season finale, which was The Last Supper, part two, Entree. So I'm just gonna get right into actually the series synopsis of And Just Like That. So it's set 11 years after the events of the 2010 film Sex and the City 2.

The women of Sex and the City make their transition from a life of liberation and friendship in their 30s to a more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s. So I just listed like Carrie is a widow. Miranda is going to be getting a divorce or I don't know if they officially got one yet. Charlotte is navigating parenting teens and going back to work. And Samantha lives in England is basically a dot on the show. Although she makes her cameo in this one. Yes, she does. Yes, she does.

So I got the episode recap from WikiFandom. I don't know who wrote it because they did not credit the person. So, Carrie reaches out to Aiden to ask about Wyatt's well -being, his son who had driven drunk and got into a car accident and broken several bones. Samantha's plan for a surprise visit during Carrie's quote last supper takes an unexpected turn. So I have it here, these are my notes, makes a cameo appearance and calls Carrie from,

car service and won't be able to make it due to delays. She was just going to fly in for the night and then leave the next day. Now you probably know this that they didn't even really film it together. It was completely filmed separately because the two women do not get along. We don't. Yeah, it's so sad. I don't know. I mean, obviously I don't know the true story. You know, there's three sides to every story, right? And...

Jacqueline Hanzl (02:36.398)
from what the public looks like. It looks like Kim Cattrall really hates Sarah Jessica Parker. And Sarah Jessica Parker doesn't say anything back really about it, right? She's been pretty quiet, right? She's kind of kept it. It seemed like from what I've read, and I don't know if this is true, that I think Samantha or what is her Kim? She was...

we're hesitant to go back because there have been so many iterations of this, you know, piece of work with like the various movies and now we're going back and she just didn't want to because they ended on such a high note. Yeah, it seemed like she didn't want to keep coming back because Samantha right is this sex symbol for when we were.

in our twenties, I always thought of them, because they're about 10 years our senior. So I always kind of thought of them as our big sisters in a way. Now, you know how ageism is and how, God forbid, that you're female and you age, you know? It's like, there's only two different genres of women. It's like the hot young thing, or you're like a grandma. There's like nothing in the middle.

Right? Like 60s not supposed to be sexy. And Samantha was the epitome of sex. And now she's, she's in her sixties. I mean, she just is. That's how it works. We all get older if we're fortunate enough. Right. And I have a feeling that that had a lot to do with it because she is noticeably older. It's been 20 years. It's been 20 years, of course. That's what's supposed to happen. But there's that,

She was in her prime then. And I think she kind of wanted to probably stay there in my opinion. She wanted to like stay in that realm where her skin is like taut and perfect and blah, blah, blah, you know? And I she looked beautiful within the cameo. But that's a whole other thing because I think they've all been attacked for their, you know, either...

Jacqueline Hanzl (04:59.31)
Treating their skin with fillers or not treating their skin with fillers. They can't win. It's like you put them apart for being old, but then they go and do something about it and then you say, oh, she's doing something and she's like, and doing this or doing that. It's like, oh, that's not fair. I get really animated about it. No, I hear you. I hear you. I think too, I've also read on a different note that she,

really doesn't like Sarah Jessica Parker. She even, I think when her Kim's brother, like I know her Kim, Kim's brother died, Sarah Jessica Parker publicly said, I'm sorry or something like that. She's like, just leave my family alone. You've done enough. Like I've seen it. I've saw it online. Yeah. There's some stuff behind it. Yeah. Then I read something else that supposedly when they were all on the show together, she would always be kind of.

not left out, but she also was living a different lifestyle than them. Even though she was older than them, she would go to like P -Diddy parties and all that, like really be out and about where they were not as, I guess, in the spotlight as her. I mean, even back then too, sex and say there was no social media. So we didn't probably see it as much. We didn't. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. It's sad about that if that is part of it. Yeah.

Totally. Because I know I just have this idea of Sarah Jessica Parker as being a really nice person. But who knows? I was glad she was on. Yeah. And who knows? Friendships kind of go like this, right? Yeah. Female friendships. And I tell my daughters, because they're now in their teens and they're navigating all of these relationships with other girls. Yeah.

I tell them, I said, listen to me, this isn't gonna, it's gonna change a little bit, but you're still gonna have drama. It doesn't go away. And female friendships are, can get really, really, really tight and you're inseparable and you're best friends and you tell each other everything. They know every move you make. And then you can have, like something can happen, like an argument.

Jacqueline Hanzl (07:21.006)
And then it's devastating because you feel like you lost like a mess. So I'm still going through this and I'm 48. You know, I can't tell you how many best, best, best friends I've had. And we like burned hot and heavy for like a couple of years and then something happens and it's like, I have to draw boundaries. You know what I mean? And then, oh, sorry. Yeah.

you know, you get into that. So, uh, I've told her that. So who knows really what has gone on. It's true. A of both, you know, maybe jealousy. There's always jealousy. And honestly, you know, I'm not feeling bad for any of them. Like they're just fine. They're fine. They are true. They are fine. Okay. So when she calls and she says, you know, um,

What did she say to her? She goes, Samantha, do you have a British accent or something? And she goes, who's Samantha? This is Annabel Bronstein from Inja. So I knew when she said it, when I first watched it, the first time I was like, it did not pop into my head immediately what that was from, which episode or whatever. So it was from the episode, I actually have the number and everything from - Was next season? Was it when they, I guess they were breaking into the Soho house. Soho, yes. It that hot summer.

Because you know what's interesting about it? Because you might've still been living in the city then. What? I moved out. So remember they divided the series finale in half. They did like a bunch of episodes. Basically I still lived in the city for the first half and then I moved back up here when they did the second half. So it was kind of funny. Yeah. I remember that.

Yeah, because it was that hot summer. Do you remember that really brutal summer? Yeah, yeah. It was so hot and everyone was just dying of sweat and the whole city like stung, you know? Yeah, yeah. I think it was that summer that they broke into or Samantha Rapp, grabbed that membership card. Yep. I don't know if they had the year, but it was season 10. No, sorry, I'm sorry. Season six of Sex and the City, episode 10.

Jacqueline Hanzl (09:44.366)
So that was it. I was living in the city then and I was working in Soho then too. So I heard someone said, Sex in the City is filming outside. It was like two o 'clock. I had already taken lunch. I'm like later. And I left and I ran downstairs. It was like spring and house dinner or something. And I watched Samantha and I, no, I'm sorry, Miranda and Carrie, they were walking down.

green or something, like five different times doing the same scene. And I was across watching that. It was so amazing. I was like, just standing there, just like a weirdo. And I remember Sarah, Jessica Parker going in, like looking into this other store and like making googly faces and la la la. And it was her baby, James Wilkie, who was little. In the store.

and she was like trying to make him laugh in between takes. So I thought that was... And that was the I've ever gotten to them. Well, that's funny because my similar story was they were filming... This was right... She was, I believe, pregnant at the time, but just pregnant, I'm pretty sure, because that's when she had the bob cut. Yes. Sarah, Jessica Parker. They were filming... It was right after September 11th, so they must have been filming probably like 2002, I bet.

and I worked at Morgan Stanley right in Times Square and I heard they're filming Sex and the City. All these people kept coming up from being in the lobby or being out and being like, oh, I just saw her, I just saw her. So this was the episode where she was like New York, it was really an ode to New York and she went out and she met, it was like Navy week or something. Sailors or something. Yes, yes. And she was being filmed. Yeah, I guess she had, I never effing saw her. I went down there like a few times.

I did see them, they filmed the scene where the boys, whatever, the men were hailing a cab and they were right in our, see, I was between 47th and 48th. I think it was 47th Street and Broadway. And they were filming that scene and they're very good looking. That main guy, who she got with, oh my gosh. Anyway. Yeah, so, and you know what's funny? This article, oh no, they do say the Soho.

Jacqueline Hanzl (12:05.006)
At one point they just called it Soho. I'm like, no, it's the Soho house. What are you talking about? I glad I remembered that. Did you ever go to the Soho house? No. Did you go to the pool? I keep thinking. I was like, listen, I worked in publishing. I was like, you know, I was poor. I wasn't making any Yeah. yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I know I didn't go to the pool. I just wonder if I went to a bar there. I keep thinking I did. Like at night one time. I don't know. Maybe not. Who knows?

Well, you had a very glamorous life. I didn't have money though. Didn't have the money, which means maybe somebody else was doing it. Yeah. Okay. I know. It was a different time. Yeah, definitely. Okay, Miranda, this is continuing with what's happening in this episode. Miranda and Steve decide to transition into a platonic friendship. Charlotte urges Harry to take on a more active role in managing their household. Yeah, he was annoying.

Naya achieves the esteemed position of being elected to the American Law Institute. Now I want to add to that, but what hit her was one of the first thoughts she went to go call her ex and felt like I don't have a man to share it with. And she felt really bad about that. And that's not a bad thing. It's not necessarily, oh, I need a man, but to share it with someone who loves you, who would be so happy, like you want to share that. So.

Someone who's watched your journey with it and watched how hard you worked and struggled to get there and to be considered and get that placement, which is prestigious, right? And she just realized, oh my God, I don't have anybody to share this with. But she made a brave choice and to get out of her marriage, you know, that was a blessing for her. And you know, it's so complicated. Yeah, definitely.

And it says, the dynamics of various relationships undergo clarification during Carrie's dinner gathering. Giuseppe, initially planning to return to Rome, changes his mind as Anthony breaks down emotional barriers. Sorry, starting to laugh. That was interesting. The virginity. I love that. Yeah, we could go into that, too. Lisa and Herbert make progress in the aftermath of Lisa's miscarriage. Che and Miranda establish a cordial understanding.

Jacqueline Hanzl (14:24.374)
Seema grows irritated by Ravi's constant work -related calls, feeling he's becoming distant. Naya forms a connection with Toussaint Feldman, the Michelin chef preparing Carrie's dinner. And as I mentioned in one of the Homebody's only episodes, he is the guy from Janet Jackson's video. Oh my God. Didn't you love Janet Jackson? I feel like you did. Oh yeah. Yeah. I remember that. It was a slow song. Oh my gosh.

Oh, again, it was called again. And I'll never fall in love with you again. And he is in that video. That was like the first time I ever saw him. That was my freshman year, wasn't it? I feel like I needed all my and my roommate.

I'm gonna hide this CD. I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna track you anymore because I played our repeat. I was like depressed about something. We saw her in concert. I think it was just me and Jen. Was it? We got last minute tickets. We were pretty high up. We were close to the stage. And I could have sworn she did wave to us. I swear she waved. And Jen just started laughing hysterically. I'm like, she just waved to us. She's like, what? She can see us. I know it.

No, you can't. That was the, the if, I think it was called if that album, wasn't it? Or was it just called Janet? I don't know, but if was on there and that's also a really good song too. Anyway, okay. Carrie asks them each, this is the part I added in because this was not on here on Wiki Fandom. She asks each of them a word they want to like go up, right? So something they want to let go of, one word.

I wrote them down. So Che says rules, Smoke says competitiveness, Jackie says nervousness, Anthony says control, Giuseppe says Rome, Ravi says social media, Seema says distrust, Nya says yesterday, Miranda says guilt, even though they weren't supposed to repeat it, Lisa also says guilt. Herbert never says a word. He says, come back to me. What the heck?

Jacqueline Hanzl (16:38.862)
I know, I know. And then they never went back. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. They didn't go back. And I think they wanted to show him to be so affected by what his wife was going through. And I think they were trying to show that he was being this super supportive husband and let the spotlight let her kind of take that on. And he took a step back. That's kind of how I interpreted it. Yeah, that makes sense.

Charlotte says limits and Carrie says expectations. Miranda leaves the event early to stand in for Raina in a BBC interview. Subsequently, she meets Joy, a BBC producer for a casual drink who I'm thinking we might see next season. Following the dinner, Aidan arrives and informs Carrie of his decision to permanently reside in Virginia with his sons.

Carrie agrees to put the romantic relationship on hold for five years until Wyatt reaches adulthood. They don't mention this in the recap, but Seema also, Robbie is going away for five months. So two ladies. Five, five, five. That was an interesting sort of throw out between them. Yeah. And then they both, they go to a trip to Greece because Seema books it. So that's how it ends in Greece.

Um, and they're all like independently, you know, wealthy people. And although SEMA is still actively working, you know, they have that ability. They are at this point in their lives, right? That they can afford it. They can, their, their men are focusing and putting themselves first in terms of what they're looking for. And so they're like, you know what? I don't need to be waiting in the wings. This is what I'm going to be doing.

And we'll see how it kind of pans out. Mike was asking me, because he was watching it with me. And he said, do you think, within the next season, will they start filming at the five years after point? And I said, I never really thought of that. I never did either. Yeah, because he's like, well, where do you think they are going to go with that? I said, you know, it's a really good question. I'm not sure. But I could feel Carrie's.

Jacqueline Hanzl (18:58.03)
Like when she went like this, and she said, I can't believe that we are back here again. Like after - I just got chills. Yeah. That lost love that, you know - Yep. Cause we do, we do have many loves. There's just not this one, you know, that's some like fairy tale that Hollywood made up and makes us feel bad. You know, it's possible to have multiple loves of your life, even with friendship.

You can have soulmates. It's not just this one thing. And so it was so interesting how they both step back into that relationship 10 years later where their love hadn't really dissipated. And it didn't mean they were being false to their spouses. They loved their spouses. She was in love with Big. Big was in love with her life.

Aiden was as well. And so there was still a place for him. But again, like, you know, it's like a man that's putting something. And of course, it's his children. And I was, you know, just listening to Aiden and I was telling Mike, I said, you're so much like Aiden, you know, because so protective, even when he talked about his son Wyatt, like in that weird kind of drawl said that that.

that one needs a lot of watching, something like that. That one needs a lot of watching. And it was very sweet, but he, just being a parent, that's what he has to do. And she didn't have children. So she was able to focus on their life together, whereas he still had these people he is raising and responsible for emotionally.

financially, right? So yeah, but what took me why I wanted this episode, why I mentioned it to you was Carrie's word. Yeah, it was Carrie's word. Expectations. That's what I resonated with. Like I certainly resonate with all of their journeys because, oh yeah, as I said before, that there are big sisters or that's how I felt. Yeah, now we're pushing 50. They're already in their 50s. Samantha's in her 60s. But it's, it's this next,

Jacqueline Hanzl (21:23.534)
It's this next really big step. It feels like, it feels like.

50 is a big deal. Like, I don't know. It's, you know, Oprah, I remember when Oprah was turning 50 watching her show. And I was thinking then, you know, like Oprah was like, this is when life really starts. It's really when you know who you are and you're far more, you're more who you are than you ever had been. And...

I think that's now approaching 50. I really agree with that, you know, and I'm excited for that decade. I'm scared for the decade and, but also Carrie's word is kind of circling back to it just with expectations. I can't tell you it's so true. Like expectations can level you. I have been, I've leveled myself.

having expectations and when you let go of them and it's not about not letting other people disappoint you if you don't have those expectations it's more as if the universe will give you something so much more than you were than you ever could have imagined for yourself and and that's something I keep forgetting you know because I'm in

place of like control, I'm trying to control and be the puppeteer of all these different things constantly. And even for myself with my own personal goals, it's like stop with the expectations, drop it. Because there's something that could be so much greater that I'm not even considering because we're all in this rat race. We're all trying to survive, you know, these last couple of years with COVID, with the work that I'm in, you know, it's been,

Jacqueline Hanzl (23:27.022)
I feel like I've lost four years of my life. Like I, you know, I kind of can't believe that this is year number four, that March 16th is year number four. And I think back, I'm like, oh my God, I was 44. And you know, people say 40s, you know, the 40s are your, is this great decade. It's like you're still young -ish. And...

you have knowledge and you might have kids and you know, you know, husbands and wives or spouses and family and respond tons of responsibility, of course. But also there's this excitement that is there because you're getting to know who you really are. And then like I was having fabulous 40s, like I can 40. I got my body back finally, because I found yoga. You know, after having kids, I was just.

not motivated enough to like lose the baby weight and all of that. And I just got myself together probably when Margot turned five, I had her at 37, I think I want to say I have 37. Yeah. So by my early forties, you know, I was ready to get my own life back and my self back. Um, and then those four years kind of, you know, these last four years. So,

In some ways I feel a little gypped and in some ways I feel like it's been a significant four years, but it's been exhausting for all of us. It really, really like has been. That's a different topic. But I did appreciate how the show did address the pandemic during that first season. And even with 9 -11, they did in some ways address it back then.

If you recall, like they did. Oh yeah. They like had the Chrysler building instead of the twin tower, you know. Yeah. And did an homage to the city. Yep. Yep. Yeah. So, but anyway, expectations. That was the word that struck me. And also Lisa, when she found out she was pregnant, you know, I'll share something. I found out I was pregnant the day before my 46th birthday.

Jacqueline Hanzl (25:46.446)
And yeah, and I was just going for my OBGYN appointment. And I was just, you know, it's just a regular appointment and my doctor comes in and we were just joking because it was her husband that...

delivered Tessa and I had three, I had four pregnancy losses. Yes, I did. I had four before Tessa, one in between Tessa and Margo. And then this was my seventh pregnancy. And it was, I understand, I understand exactly what she was going through when she's like, no, no, no.

When she started to cry I sobbed and my doctor came in and put her hand on my hand It was like I have to tell you something and I'm like, oh my god what like is this a cancer is cervical cancer? Right and she's you are pregnant and I just oh my gosh well, because and I'm not someone that listen I wore a PUSSY hat I marched on Washington Okay, I

I am a feminist. I have a big mouth. I stand up for things that I believe in. And I'm not someone who takes pregnancy loss lightly. I don't take abortion lightly. And I made that decision. I didn't know if I was going to talk about it, but that really struck me. And it was...

eviscerating and it took me back and I was very angry for a long time. You know how she was angry at Herbert and she was in bed and she was like, I can't believe I just, I'm just so mad. And you know, I don't remember she asked him to get a vasectomy. I had made two appointments for my husband to over the years and he kind of blew them off because of work. That's what he said.

Jacqueline Hanzl (27:59.576)
And I told him, I remember telling him, I'm like, I'm telling you now, if you ever get me pregnant, I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you. Like I can't be on traditional forms of birth control because I have a blood clotting disorder, which is why I had all the miscarriages. So I found out I inherited this gene. It's a pro thrombin, one oh something, blah, blah, blah, like a million numbers to it. And so that's...

my placenta would basically clot and then the embryo would only get to a certain point and then the placenta, because the embryo gets nutrients out of the placenta and it would clot. And so the embryo would then start to plateau and then start to die because of the lack of nutrients. So we found that out, but also I can't be on...

really anything because it can cause a blood clot to my heart, lung, brain. So I have not been on birth control for so long. I mean, you know, Margot was like nine years old when I got pregnant, when I found out. So, you know, we had gone like almost 10 years without getting pregnant. I'm pushing 45, my eggs are super duper old at this point or whatever.

all of us like Jerry after pregnancy at 35, who would label you at 35, let alone freaking 45. Right. So yeah, that was a really difficult time, but I was mad at my husband the way she, I just resonated with it. Like when they were in and she was just kind of like clutching, like, I just can't even believe this because she was on the precipice of doing all of these big things. Yeah. And then it's like to go,

back to that, to go back to diapers, to go back to the beginning. It's like, when is it my turn? Yeah. When is it my turn to like be able to work without guilt, you know, to be able to, cause I was, when I, when we opened the hollow, you know, Margo was like five months old and I wore her on my back. You know, that was, I was always with like a car seat carrier and holding like a toddler's hand.

Jacqueline Hanzl (30:24.494)
And I was still trying to do all this work, being saddled with, you know, obviously family life, but it always enraged me that I felt like Mike could just go off, just drive the car away, go off into the sunset and be able to go to work while I'm doing work too. Plus I have the kids. And whenever I would go there, they would come with me, you know, during opening day, Margot's on my back.

like in a baby Bjorn, you know? So like the whole thing, I got it. I understood that. And a couple months later, then Roe versus Wade was overturned. So I just like, I had probably close to like a mental breakdown over that.

situation. And I know we're not talking about politics or anything, but it's just what we, it was another experience. So was Carrie's fair, it was the way she said, you know, uh, that she was leaving that part of her life. Um, and then also seeing Lisa kind of combat, you know, is this really what I want to do?

And then she felt so guilty even during Carrie's party that she excused herself and walked into the bathroom and said to her husband, did I cause that? Did my words cause that? And you know, I'm sure to a degree, a huge degree that she was relieved. Yes. That it was relief. And then felt bad about it. Like, yeah. Torn. Yeah. Definitely. Definitely. You know?

I remember being told, you know, it was very early for me. It was like five weeks. That's what she had said. And I said, what are my options? And we went over them. And I, I had with my miscarriages, I had the first three, I had passed them all naturally. And if anyone's ever gone through that, then they know it's.

Jacqueline Hanzl (32:40.558)
very painful, it's scary. It's not like just having a period, you know, there's a lot that happens during it and it's traumatizing. And your hormones are all messed up. Your hormones are so messed up. hormones. And especially because you start, you know, cause when you're initially pregnant that first three months, there are bodily changes with you. And so you're still kind of stuck with some of those bodily changes.

kind of level out, but with my fourth, I demanded a DNC. And I remember that it was a Friday and it was 12 weeks and I went in for my ultrasound and blah, blah, blah. And they, you know, were looking for the heartbeat and everything. And I'd been through it a thousand times and I already had tested. So I knew what to look for. And I said, you know, what is wrong?

And she said, I have to go get the doctor. So I already knew, but I'm like, you know, in that bed and having my feet in the stirrups and just like tearing up the ceiling, waiting for the doctor to come in to confirm what I already knew. And, you know, they wanted me to a pass it naturally. And I said, no. And then they scheduled it for Tuesday. And I said, are you kidding me?

You're going to let me, cause at that point it was 12 weeks. So there's heartbeat and it's a little fetus, you know, it has a little everything. And I said, you're not going to let me pass that into the toilet. I'm not doing that. And so I, and then they, um, scheduled it for that Tuesday. And I said, are you going to let me walk around knowing I have a dead baby inside of me for the next four days? So I had a lie.

So the next day, my best friend then at the time said to me, just lie, just say that you're bleeding. Because then it's seen as an emergency because you can get an infection and that's what you have to do. So I did. And then on Sunday morning at like six in the morning, I went in for an emergency, D and C, and that's how I had to do it. So I didn't have to go through it. And I asked them to do the T.

Jacqueline Hanzl (35:05.292)
and all of that, because prior to the first three, I had to collect the contents of my uterus, which is what they said. And then you put it in my couch and then into your next doctor. Like you bring it in my god. Wow. Yeah. So I'm like, I'm not going through that again. So I really do not take, I know what people think about abortion, you know, that they think that you can.

dude, I've been sold in ninth month. They think all these crazy things. They think people use it as a form of birth control. I'm here to tell you that is not the case. That is not the case. It is a traumatic event and you live with it for the rest of your life. There's really not a day that I don't think about it. And every time I see a baby that would be around that age, I think about that, as I did with my pregnancy losses too.

But the thing with them was they wouldn't do the DNC this time around because they need to see the heartbeat because it hadn't developed yet. And I said, if I see the heartbeat, I won't be able to do it. Right. Right. So I would have had to wait two weeks being pregnant, knowing I didn't want to continue with it. Wow. Knowing that.

and living with that until I went back to see a heartbeat. I just couldn't do it. So I opted for the plan base. That's what I ended up doing. So it was before that whole time period, but it was devastating. So in a way, she was fortunate that it happened naturally and then she didn't have to make that choice. Because I'm at that age. I was at that age.

too. It's like I got back my body. I got back my life. I could focus on work. I was building my career further, building my businesses. And why can't I have that? Right. Why can't I have that too? Yeah. So that would have primarily affected me. Yeah. Might have been affected, but not in the same way. Primarily me.

Jacqueline Hanzl (37:28.066)
It's gonna be everything that I have to do, you know, and you're starting over again. I didn't even have anything related to babyhood anymore because my kids are going on 15 and 12. So there's just so many elements really of that series that I think women in general of our age can relate to specifically. And I think they do a really great job of doing that.

I think they do too. I know they got a lot of criticism when they first came back and I still, I really did enjoy. I did enjoy the second season more than the first. I don't know if it's because I had to get over big dying, even though I know they had to do that, but that really like killed me. But I guess what would they have done? And then I just, I felt like the second season flowed more, had more, a little bit more feel of the sex in the city.

I'm not sure, I know that I had read about that too, that they were, I think, trying more to get back, get more into that flow. Yeah, I do really enjoy it. I wanted to thank you for sharing that, because that's definitely a really, really personal story. Obviously, I didn't know. I did have a miscarriage, just one, before I had my son. I did not pass naturally. I had to have a DNC. They, what happened was it was right before Easter.

So when I was trying to schedule an appointment, they're like, everybody's on like vacations. And I was like, what? So I had to wait. It was a long time. I mean, I feel like it was a long time and I kept hoping that I would naturally pass. Cause I did not, I went to my acupuncturist, even I had already an appointment and we were trying, like she tried to do something to help. So that Easter, I just, I was in a, I was a zombie. I was just like, I just sat there. I remember it was, oh thanks. Yeah.

It's terrible. It's terrible. And I was, I thought I was 11 weeks along when that was when they didn't find the heartbeat, but I was actually, I lost the baby probably around eight weeks, you think, but I had like really no symptoms. I had no symptoms. Like I had, I still, you know, and then after I had the miscarriage and I had the DNC, they say you have to wait to try to get pregnant. And they do tests, like, you know, for the hormone levels, cause you're not supposed to.

Jacqueline Hanzl (39:56.122)
I ended up, I had to wait just because of scheduling. They were saying, um, maybe like maybe overall, maybe it was seven days. I'm not sure. I know I had to wait till after Easter and it happened before Easter. Yeah. So I just on Easter, I remember I would have told you why I would have told you to lie and they would have had to take you in. Isn't that just insane? That? Yeah, I didn't even know that. Oh my God. Yeah. Oh yeah.

I had to lie even with Margo. I had to lie. I was in labor and with Tessa, I had a very traumatic birth. It was like 48 hours of labor and I ended up with a section anyway and they couldn't wait for the epidural to go into effect and I felt it all and they had to knock me out. I was like screaming, you're ripping me apart. Like all this crazy stuff. So with Margo, I was like, hell no.

I'm not doing that and I got doulas involved and all of this kind of thing. And we lied. We lied about my water breaking to buy me extra time because the hospital rule is 24 hours. You only have 24 hours from, because that's their arbitrary number.

and they give you a section. So it's 24 hours after your water breaks. If you don't have the baby, you know, naturally, vaginally, that's what the course of action is. And so that's what we did. And that's what the doulas did. And they fed me yogurt in the bathroom. They snuck me cause you're not supposed to eat. It's like, this isn't an illness. This is having a baby. Like,

We need energy in order to push a baby out. Yeah. After being in excruciating pain for God knows how long. So you starve us. You don't just walk. You don't, you know, and so, you know, still I ended up having Margo vaginally, but it was a VBAP, but I had to fight for it because they were trying to schedule my section.

Jacqueline Hanzl (42:13.486)
And they said, well, because of your last pregnancy, blah, blah, blah, and it's going to be scheduled on, on this date. I said, you can schedule it, but I'm not coming. I am not going up. So do what you need to do. It's cool. I'm not going. I said, show me proof that I'm going to have uterine rupture. Like I'm a difficult patient. Right. So they had to tell me that it was, they found it out 0 .05 % chance of uterine rupture.

if you choose to go with the VBAC, but women are not really offered that option. It's just C -section, C -section. So if you have a C -section first, you have a C -section next. C -section, yeah. That's not true. That's not what you have to do, but that's what they tell you. So I watched the business of being born, like all the information I could possibly get. But anyway, so that's my little story about lying to the medical field. That's what you have to do in order to get the care that...

Crazy. Yeah. All right. There you go, Jack. Aren't you happy you asked me to do this? You know what? I really am, because this is an important topic, actually, I think. Great. I do too. Yeah. I was going to say, who's your favorite character in this series, you think? In this series? Or do you have one? You know, it's so funny. I always thought I related.

most to, I guess, Charlotte in some ways, because she always wanted love and that fairy tale. And I kind of thought I wanted that. And I was never like Samantha. I wasn't like that. And I think I had like a little piece of each of them. I think all of us do. I think a lot of people do. Right? Yeah. But I did enjoy...

Charlotte's kind of journey back into work and where she threw her phone into the blender, into the blender of like, the Margherita's or something because they kept calling her. It was like the kids and she was out and just enjoying her night, having a celebratory drink because she landed a big account or whatever she sold, like some piece of art. And she's trying to enjoy herself and you know, the kids, it was like.

Jacqueline Hanzl (44:39.438)
Harry, why are you coming home? What is for dinner? Blah, blah, my gosh. Leave me alone. And it's that phone, you know? I think we're all tied to these phones now. They can get hold of you whenever they want. Everybody, work, mom, dad, doesn't matter who. And she just had had it, you know? So I kind of relate to pieces of their journey, all of them on their separate journeys, I think. But, well.

Who do you relate to? Would you say? Now, okay, so back when Sex and City was on, my friends all called me Miranda, because she was the man -hater thing. Really? I hated men, but I think I used to really be like, no, it's not right about this. Like a lot of like the way, not saying my friends got rolled over by men, but I would always be like that. Like, yeah, so I got the man -hater thing. So I think now within just like that, I don't.

You know, I don't know. I don't know. I guess little pieces of each of them. I'm really trying to think because I'm not in the situation of like, I don't think of any of them. Like really at all. I don't have that kind of wealth either. Like that's the whole thing. Like, you know, they are all wealthy. And in the beginning, back in the first series, you know, it wasn't.

Carrie was like the star artist. They were all in different clothes ever. She'd spent her rent money on shoes. And it's like, well, how do you make no money because you're a writer? And a full year apartment and a full year Jimmy Choo's and everything else. But I think for this series, there's just been maybe little parts of stuff like,

Lisa with with miscarrying feeling what it feels like to be to miscarry and although I did not get pregnant I mean I got pregnant on purpose at 39 and I had him six weeks before I was 40 but I I know too if I I mean yeah 48 I mean I guess physically it is still possible but yeah I would be like oh my god I even I even remember after I had my son you know he he was not a good sleeper.

Jacqueline Hanzl (47:04.494)
I was delirious. And I remember like, some people will be like, why don't you have another one right now? You know, like right now, right away. I'm like, I'm like, I don't think I'll live through it. Like I think I am too old for this. Like too old for this lack of sleep thing, all that. And I remember saying to Dave, I was like, Oh my God, what would you do? Like I got pregnant again. He was like, no. I mean, back if I had.

been younger when I started, yes, I would have loved to have two. I think only child is, I mean, it's fine. He's fine. He's very, very happy, but I had, I have siblings. I have two, you know, two sisters. I would love for him to have had a sibling, but now I'm like, oh my God, there's no way. So I could relate to that part of that with her. And.

I don't know. I'm trying to think really. I know back when it was Sex and the City, I really, I was like, I'm a Carrie. I mean, I think everybody was like, I'm Carrie. And like, I I really, I mean, I curly hair. Yeah. Let's see. That's all the questions I think I have for the show. So we didn't even mention, you mentioned the hollow, like when you were just talking, but we didn't even say, so how did you even, you had mentioned you worked in publishing. That's what you studied.

Did you study English in school? Right? So I knew you were a writer. I know you love to write and I know your Facebook posts are beautifully written. I'm telling you, I that sounds dopey, but they really are. They're really beautifully written. You're a great writer. So how did you go from that to - About all the writing I get to do anymore. Right. That's true. Right? How did you -

Yeah, well, some people write on Facebook and you're like, no, you should not have written because, sorry. I do not write any. Spelling, grammar, whatever. Anyway, how did you go from working in publishing to owning restaurants? Right? How many restaurants? I have three, I guess, but I have two full service. Then I have a vegan deli right on Lark Street. If you're in Lark Street, back from. Yes.

Jacqueline Hanzl (49:22.382)
in all and then I got yes and then I have and then we have something that's associated with the deli it's a wholesale food company so we make meats and cheeses so we have a building in downtown Albany so we sell to restaurants to local restaurants and we just got picked up by Driscoll Foods so it's so they're gonna distribute for us but we're in the process now of just getting equipment there's like a lot of

equipment that we need in order to like mass produce vegan mozzarella sticks. So that's our focus. And yeah, so that's, so that's, you know, that's really cool. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, you know, it's certainly not just me. It's, you know, a team of people and it's partners that are talented and, you know, it's, so how did I get into it when we moved up here? So we were in the city.

Um, up until 2007, Mike's former boss slash friend, he was opening up another restaurant where he was buying Jillian's. Do you remember Jillian's from like back in the day? And there was one in downtown Albany. And I don't know if you were around here during those days. Um, you were probably in, cause you went, cause you went to grad school at, where did you go to grad school? I went to St. Rose.

Graspill St. Royce. you were in Albany. Okay, that's right. I didn't live up there though. I didn't live in Albany. I lived in Commuted. Okay. Yeah. Got you. But I think during that time, Jillian's was probably in its heyday. I don't even look over necessarily. But Ralph wanted Mike to come up and to be the general manager. So we were, I had just had my first miscarriage actually. And so we decided,

you know what, now we're, now I, cause I didn't know if I wanted kids, honestly, you know, so when I first got pregnant and I lost it, that's when I wanted babies. Like that's what triggered me into that whole, I was 31, you know, and I hadn't even like really given it a lot of thought yet. So, um, just for my own stuff, I was like, I don't really know if I'm suited for this. And.

Jacqueline Hanzl (51:50.19)
that's how we moved up here. We're like, well, we're gonna do this whole kid thing. Now we're gonna start a family or try to. And I was working a lot of late nights at that time, I segued out of publishing and I was working at UBS financial services. So totally different kind of work. Very long days. Like if you left at five o 'clock, oh, are you taking a half day? You know, you get like a lot of windows. Yeah.

I didn't like that. And I was looking for other work and the work, and it was within the same kind of field, which you made more money, except you're selling your soul for like, barely six figures. Yeah. You know, but at the time I was 29 and that was the trajectory that I was on. And I said, this is only getting worse and worse just in terms of time. It was before the days of like working from home.

that's a good

Jacqueline Hanzl (53:16.878)
Different. It's different. It's, but it's equally difficult. Um, and so that's how we got into the business. And that was, and then the recession happened and Mike basically was trying to keep Jillian's going. And he took a pay cut to keep the business rolling. And just over the years, they acquired, they started to owe us so much.

And they couldn't pay us back because of everything going on. So we ended up taking over the Bayou Albany, which is now the hollow. So I got a defunct business that was basically kind of driven into the ground. Um, not very profitable. That's what I was given as.

Not, and given, we still had to pay off their debt, like $25 ,000 worth of debt to their suppliers. Cause if you are not paying your suppliers, you can't have a restaurant. Like you can't get alcohol delivered. You can't get food delivered. So we paid that all off so we could at least continue business until we figured it out. And so that's how it came to be.

And I got involved because I just told my husband, I said, well.

I didn't agree with a lot of your decisions that got us into this position. Now I'm involved. And that's kind of just how it's going to be. I just didn't trust it anymore. I kept putting my faith in him. And he's an excellent businessman and he learned a lot, but it was the first time that he ran like a multimillion dollar business during the worst time that you can possibly run something like that.

Jacqueline Hanzl (55:14.19)
And that's why I got involved and it just kind of snowballed, you know? And that's why. And I wasn't welcomed, believe me. It was not with open whatsoever. Not from the regulars, not from the staff that was already there. They thought I was this pushy New Yorker that thought I knew everything and wanted to change everything because it wasn't working.

And it took, it was like two years of infighting, I'd say. And tons of misogyny. Oh my God. Never in my life did I ever experience in the last 10 years, the misogyny that I have dealt with being in this industry. Publishing is women and gay men. I never experienced any of this. If anything, I would sit back and be like, these people, I'm in this boardroom.

on the 23rd floor of like Random House, Bertelsmann building overlooking like Broadway and 45th, I think I was on. These people are going to kill each other over Winnie the Pooh display. Like that's my life. I shit you not, like honestly. That's so funny. And so I wasn't used to being at a beer festival that where,

you know, putting out food and promoting our business. And I have one of my staff members with me, this, you know, kid named Dan, who's very helpful. And this person coming around and trying to sell us something, but directing it to Dan. Just directing it to Dan. And poor Dan is like, looking at me like nervous as all hell, like, oh, and we just sat back. I'm like, oh wait.

Yeah. Just lean back and I just waited for the conversation to come to a kind of a pause and Dan's like terrified and like, well, you might want to talk to the owner. It's her. And he's like, oh, yes. People with vaginas can own restaurants too. Yes. You know, and that's just one example, you know, or being introduced.

Jacqueline Hanzl (57:38.126)
by my staff as Mike's wife, like initially that doesn't happen anymore, but there's so much like that. And you do, you have to be a certain way in order to get respect. And then you're called crazy or you're called the B -Bird or all that. Yeah, it's very alive and I'm an owner. Like technically I'm.

the top of the food chain in terms of that, but I'm not. Right. And that's the and that is just the reality. That is the reality of it. You know? Yeah. You know, it's crazy. Yeah, it is. I know. I really honestly it was such a surprise. Yeah. I wouldn't know that either. So the hollow, which I've been to is.

That's downtown. I remember when you guys came in like a million years ago, right? Yeah, pre -COVID. Pre -COVID. Yeah, it was. You had to come back in. Yes, I know. Don't get up there. Come to Lausanne. If you know anyone that's gluten -free or has dairy allergies, it is an Italian restaurant that specializes in gluten -free, which is hard for gluten -free people to ever go to an Italian restaurant. Right.

So Rosana's. Yes. And that's where? 23 Dove Street. So we're in Center Square neighborhood. So it's like the street down from Lark. So it's parallel to Lark Street. So Lark's here and Dove is the next one. So if you're headed downtown, just for context. Yeah. So it's a beautiful little area. It looks like Brooklyn. I've always loved that area to me. It always, you know, with the brownstones. Yep.

Oh, I know you're talking. And so with the and I know you have vegan options on the hollows menu. Right. I do. And then we have rosanna's. Yes, we have rosanna's and then we have sub culture, vegan deli and provisions. That's up on Mark Street. How long have you been a vegan? Well, I'm not vegan, actually. So that's interesting. I'm vegetarian.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:00:02.094)
I do eat vegan a lot, but I'm not vegan. What my goal was here, when we first moved here, there was just really nothing that I could eat. I've been vegetarian since I'm 29, so it's 19 years now. And I think you remember, I was a big steak person, that's what I ate all the time. All I ate was steak, steak and potatoes, that was how we grew up.

So when I change, when I change my diet, being in New York, you know, it's just so much easier. There's everything. It's just more mainstream. Even 20 years ago, it was more mainstream. Yes, definitely. Here it wasn't. And when we first moved up here, it's like there was really nothing that I could eat. And so that was the motivation to bring in like a lot of vegetarian food. So initially I tried to bring in a lot of

vegetarian food and then after COVID, so we were closed for about six months. And then when we had our meetings for the reopening, I said, listen, it's not gonna cut it anymore. Vegetarian just doesn't cut it. It has to be vegan. Because it's easier, quote unquote, right, to work with dairy. And I don't have anybody that is in my kitchen that went to like a culinary school that was plant -based. Like,

They don't know how to make this kind of food. So it's a learning curve for everyone. But that's really why we introduced vegan food. But also what I really wanted was a vegan counterpart to all of our meat -based items. And we're almost there. We're really almost there. So if you wanted mozzarella sticks, you can also get them vegan. So you can come to our restaurant with your, like,

Crunchiest vegan friend, you know, and you both can find something that you're gonna be happy with Yeah, because I'm sorry, you know that like vegetarian people and vegan people We just don't want to eat lettuce like we're not right. Yes. Yeah, you know, we want to eat satiating interesting flavorful food too and I felt for so long so many restaurants were doing themselves a disservice because

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:02:26.094)
they're missing out on this demographic. And it's not even vegan and vegetarian people, people, there's so many dietary allergies today. We cannot believe from that. There's lactose, there's all kinds of nut allergies, gluten, you know, and you have to be able to accommodate people because that's people's families. Like we get tons of family celebrations because it's too difficult.

for the host to prepare a million different types of things so they come to us. Even for weddings and all kinds of dinner party showers, things of the sort, that we can accommodate. That's really cool. And you just have to be willing to honestly shift and pivot, as much as I hate that term, because of the That's all you've heard. Yes. It's a thing. It's terrible.

But what made you go from having steak all the time to vegetarian? OK, interesting story. So this is a better one. You're going to be like, I'm never asking her again to be on my podcast because she comes up with the craziest stuff. Like these stories are ridiculous. And also probably controversial, right? Sorry. So no, so I'm at UBS. I was rather new there. I was a consultant.

And I, uh, in their marketing department and I was working with their designers and they have lunch every day and there's like a company cafeteria since they don't want you to leave. They want you to stay put. And so we were all eating there and I remember eating a Buffalo chicken wrap. That's what I purchased. And I sat down and I'm eating my food, whatever. And they're all chit chatting and they're talking about this article that one of them read.

about a sex farm out in Washington state. And yeah, a sex farm. And apparently, I know, and nor do I ever, never wanted to know that this existed and I'm sorry to even share it. Yeah, the people would go there and pay to sod no, now I know. And rape the animals, mostly goats and sheep because they're so docile. So this is in Washington state?

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:04:48.622)
Yeah, and this was 20 years ago and I hate all that doesn't happen, but I'm sure it does in the world. But anyway, so they were all laughing and making jokes like goat, F -U -C -K -E -R and you know, saying all these things. I was just like, I felt so sickened by it. Like my spine, I was, I couldn't even help it. And I stood up and I, holding my,

And he said, I really don't find this entertaining and I don't find that funny. And I can't believe that you're even laughing at such a thing. I just stomped off. I walked off. I lost my appetite, obviously. And I put down my tray in like the area that you put your trays down and I went back to work.

And one of the ladies had come up to me and she felt really badly. She's like, Hey, I just wanted to come check on you. Are you okay? And I know you got really upset. And I said, yeah. I said, you know, I don't know where that came from. I was just really disgusted and horrified by it. And she's like, you know, why don't you go down? You should go on to pedicide. They do so much like animal, blah, blah, blah, rescues and advocacy. And she was it.

a PETA person whatsoever. So she just mentioned it to me. I'm like, all right, I'll go on to PETA. And you go on to PETA and that's it. I just like went down the rabbit hole. That was it. I watched a few things. I'm good. I will never eat that again. And that was the last piece of meat I ate was that buffalo chicken. Wow. Wow. That was it. And then I was, you know, I got really, I just voraciously like read as much information as I possibly could. And,

What really cemented it for me was the food revolution by John Robbins. And he was the benefactor of the Baskin -Robbins empire. His father was Robbins, which is an ice cream, which is dairy. So his entire life is funded by the exploitation of cows. So.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:07:07.832)
He turned vegan and wrote this whole, this 500 page book. I think it just had its like 25th anniversary edition or 30th or something. It's been around for really, really long time. Broken up into these five different parts. There's like agriculture, there's the animal aspect of it. It's the health aspect of it. And I've just learned so much information. It's like, once you know,

you know, and then you have to make a decision based on what you knew. And I just didn't feel good anymore. Eating the way that I was. Yeah. And so I needed to make a change and it did. It changed my whole life. Just that one lunch. Yeah. Yeah. My whole would be different. Wow. Like, you know, I don't know if I would have had any restaurants nor would they have had this kind of.

menu, these menus. And I think the work, as much as I feel bad about having meat on my menu, I can't change the world. Right. And if I can introduce plant -based foods that are delicious, it could sway someone on our team, even a little bit, even if you could lean into it, even if it's just like one meal every single day. Right. Right. That's what helps you. It's better for your body, better for our planet.

Yeah. Better for the animals, you're lessening cruelty and it's just more good vibes that are out there. Yeah. know, so. Yeah, that's great. That's how I live with myself. Yeah. That's what I know. That's great. I think great. I think it's realistic, you know. And you can't growl beat people into it. You know, it does not work. And you know, you just offer it and you make a suggestion. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's great.

Are your children vegetarian? They are. They are. Mike is too. Mike is more pescatarian. Mike is pescatarian because he eats more fish. He does incorporate fish. Tess will eat like a little bit of fish. Margot, no, she doesn't. So yeah, it's just what they know. And we've talked to them about it. It's just so normalized. It's really like no big deal. Especially in school too, because at first I'm like, oh God, are they going to be teased? But...

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:09:33.421)
You mentioned, let's see, should I talk about, you got into yoga. Is that, so for yoga for you, is it more than just keeping you in shape? Is there more to it? Do you have a spirituality aspect of it? Yeah. Oh my gosh, yes. Like yoga changed my entire life, I think. I didn't even feel completely,

myself here, probably living here, because I'm not from here. I'm not from the capital region. Like I'm literally living in Mike's parents' house. This is Mike's parents' former house, which we bought from them, which I never wanted. So I always feel like I'm living in my mother -in -law's house and my friends are downstate and my parents are downstate and my...

life is downstate. So it took me a little bit to like acclimate to life here. I had a life upstate when we were in college, right? You know, that's very different. You know, it's completely different from being like a college kid to living here in in like a full time way. And you know, the only friends I had were were a couple restaurant people, but their lives were

were so opposite than everyone else's life. And the friends that I'd like, some mommy friends that I did have, they would, you know, weekends are for families and they'd hang with their families and hang with their hubbies. My husband's working until he doesn't come home until two in the morning, you know? So I'm by myself. So I have felt like I've raised my kids alone for the most part, you know, initially, cause he just wasn't here. He just couldn't be here.

And that's just what it is. Like a business is 24 hours, especially in the very start, you know, at the very beginning. It's... Restaurant too, I feel like even more, right? Yeah. Oh God, yeah. Oh, it's terrible. But when I found yoga, I eventually found this group of people that I fell in love with, you know, and I finally felt I had community again. And the last time I felt like that...

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:11:53.23)
was my sorority days, to be honest. That is the last time I felt like I belonged to something bigger than myself. And I just was addicted. I was addicted. It was my life. It was my social life. I met all these great people. They were moms too. Our friends became friends. And so it was a really great.

period of time for me. And it's been, I started with yoga in 2016. So now we have, I'm very close with the owner of the Hot Yoga Spot, which is my preferred studio. She's actually my business partner now for Sub and for Halo, which is the food production company. This vegetarian too. She's from Massa, so she's like a London girl also.

Yeah. And yeah, so it's brought so much good into my life. And now, Justin and I do this yoga event. It's before Pearl Palooza. It's the third week in September. It's called Yoga Palooza. So it's the only free mass yoga event in the entire capital region. Other cities do this. New York does those big mass yoga events. You've probably seen them on social media.

know, hundreds of people that are in the street. And I think our biggest was right before COVID and we had like 600 people outside. Wow. So to gather that many people within the capital region and to offer a free yoga class to introduce them to yoga, that's been a wonderful thing. And that's been brought into my life because of yoga. Sorry. Is it one day, one class, Yoga Palooza?

Yeah. So we have this music event prior to us being downtown. It was during Jillian days called Pearl Clues. So Pearl Street, because we're on Pearl Street. And it's a series of like six bands. So it starts at noon, it ends at six o 'clock and it's a free music festival for Albany, for the capital region. And we were putting our...

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:14:15.126)
insurance, like the insurance was our house, basically, because it was our event. So we took on all the risk and to have a higher police presence and you deal with the city of Albany to get the street shut down, it's a big deal. If anyone gets hurt, I could lose my house, you know? Right. But we believed in this event. And then the downtown Albany bid saw how many people were coming for Pearl Palooza, like, like probably at its height, we would get like up to the top.

10 ,000 people would come out. That was a million years ago. It's definitely changed just over time, but we just had our 14th festival this past September and it's the third week, the third Saturday. And we just had our seventh yoga palooza. So yoga palooza happens first at like 11 o 'clock and then we go straight into the So it was just like another way to bring a different demographic in.

into downtown Albany prior to the festival. So it's a family event. You can bring children, you can bring your best friends, you can bring your boss, just bring anybody. And it's such a beautiful experience. So Jess puts on four different instructors. They each take like a little period of time and they, so they just pass the mic to the next teacher and they continue with the class. And, you know, to see people.

practicing yoga together and you know, Harmony, it's a really beautiful site. Yeah, I love that. Yeah, I've seen like some pictures on social media stuff. I do yoga every day. Oh, you do. Yes, I am a yogi. I do basically, Boho Beautiful. They started at, well, they're still on YouTube. It's a couple, let's make this long story short. Basically they,

They're from Canada, I think Toronto, and they left basically society and just traveled the world. He actually was a guitarist for Avril Lavigne, but he also, then he was in, I think like music production and marketing, I think, because their videos are gorgeous. They basically traveled the world and made yoga videos that are absolutely stunning. She is Juliana's the wife and Mark is the husband. She is absolutely gorgeous. She's from Ukraine and she did,

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:16:40.622)
train like as a gymnast to be in the Olympics. And she's a dancer and just absolutely stunning. Natural, like natural blonde. I've never seen a natural blonde. Anyway, not that you have to be blonde to be beautiful, but anyway, that they were on YouTube. And I first, it was when I was pregnant, I was having trouble, I think, falling asleep. And I watched a meditation to fall asleep and it was her.

I didn't even see her face, I don't think, and it was just sitting there. And then I somehow found them and now they have their own platform. Yeah, I'll send you some. And like I said, they're still on YouTube and they're almost all their videos are on YouTube for free, but just probably ads and stuff. But their platform, there'll be some exclusive videos on there. They're just like a really wonderful couple, like everything, you know, they're just.

great people. I'll have to check them out. You know, it's funny, I'm not like a yoga from home person because I lack motivation. Like that's a problem. Yeah, yeah, no. Because if I do it within with others, I don't want to look like I'm a lazy P .S. So I keep going with that. Yeah, no, I could see that. Yeah. No, it's okay. Well, I don't want to look like the only person that can't do this right now. Right. You know, so.

Have you ever been to like an Orange Theory before, one of those gyms? No. They have like a big screen and you have to wear some kind of a wash. So it cracks your heart rate and it gives you these points. So everyone's name is up on a screen and you're like, do I want to be the last one? I've got the pace on my treadmill right now. You know?

Otherwise, I'll just be doing like a leisurely pace. Like, I'm not really burning anything. What? I'm reading a book as I'm on my bike. No wonder I wasn't losing weight. Right. It's funny. Because it has to be very concentrated, at least for me, to get into shape. You've always been in amazing shape. I bet you were one those annoying people that got right back. No, when I lived in the city, no.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:19:02.414)
I was not in amazing shape when I lived in the city, even though I would work out, but damn the drinking. I know, I know. I'm just not much of a drinker anymore. I, I, no, no, I'm not either. I can't hear in there, but it affects me so differently now. And just the hangover after like two drinks, you're like, Oh my God, I'm dying. No, and I'm not like a one drinker to like,

The way we learned how to drink was sadly was school and we didn't learn. And I'm telling my kids now honestly, because so many bad things can happen to you. Especially when you're in college and you don't know how to drink and I didn't know how to drink. How many of us experienced date rape? You know, and didn't even know it was date rape until you really thought about it. You know?

There's a lot of that. I've been telling my, my eldest is 15 and three years. I can't believe that she'll be away. That she'll go to college. And he needs to really learn what the pitfalls are. Yeah. Yep. You know, okay. A few more questions for you that are totally not as serious. Um, what is something?

You cannot live without, now this doesn't have to be, this can be deep or it can be just completely superficial, like food, jewelry, whatever, something you cannot live without. You're like, I have to have this. Probably my dog, I think. I think it would be my dog, Darby, honestly, because she's been my, like, um.

what do you call those therapy dogs? You know? And she was a COVID dog too. So she's been with me throughout this whole time and I don't think I could live without her. And my children, you know, all the things that we would say like, all that stuff, of course. Travel, I would say travel would be the other thing.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:21:23.806)
Now that my kids are older, the last couple of years, I've started to travel a little bit more the way that I used to. And that's been everything. That's really been everything. Because we can all have things, right? We can all put our money into things. And I have things. I have things. Yeah, of course. I care about them.

kind of, but not really, you know, travel is something that keeps me alive. Yeah. It's so earth, it's so earth shattering. Honestly, like I was in South Africa in October, I went on a yoga retreat with this great company called Eat, Pray, Move. After that movie, Eat, Pray, Love. And this is my second trip with.

with them are supposed to go back in 2020. And of course it got canceled because of the pandemic and blah, blah, and it was re it was rescheduled a few times and those got canceled. So finally it happened a year ago and that was my first and we went to Lake Como and that was just amazing. It's so brilliant and so beautiful. And you just see another culture in another country and different food and.

you meet different people. And I went alone, you know, I went alone and I was with a group of people that I had never met and I made friends and I had a great time. And I went on the same, I booked another trip this past fall and my father was very ill at the time. And my mother was really interesting. It was like the first time in my life, I think that I felt that she gave me permission and said, cause I didn't want to go.

I was so tentative and hesitant about going, but I couldn't get my money back. And I had looked at the year before. We had no idea that my dad would be in this condition at all. And she said, you deserve to go. And I think that was the first time she ever said that I deserved something. And I just like cried. And I had this like biblical experience. And I brought my dad.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:23:44.846)
kind of with me and I took this video after I saw elephants for the first time there. And that was like, I can't even, there are no words to even do it. And I said to the conservationist there, I said, you know, are you hiring? And she said, yes. I said, well, I will work for free. I would love to do this kind of work. And I thought maybe after my kids are in college, I could go back.

and I could spend some time there. But she's like, well, we're actually putting together this team of all female, an all female team of anti -poaching to go get poachers. And I said, I would be their captain. I would happily. I would be that charge. So cool. So amazing. And it just shows you another,

way you could be another facet of what you could do. Instead of being in our little bubbles. Like I'm in this bubble constantly, like all of us are. So I'd say that. That's awesome. I'm sorry I keep going on and on. No, you have very interesting stories. Come on. Thank you. What can't you leave the house without other than phone, blah, blah, blah. Cheese. Yeah, other than that.

Other than that. You're I have to have this on me or I feel naked or I feel weird or I feel. Yeah, yeah, no, totally. I feel like with my appearance, I feel just more comfortable put together somewhat, you know, gone. What that mean for you? Like, what does that mean? Like mascara or blush or.

or everything or what does that mean? No, it's definitely not everything. I just feel like I need a proper coat to feel polished even if I'm wearing like, sun -diving clothes underneath. My mom's old. I look a little more polished if I have something structured on that makes me feel better about myself. And even like in the winter, like a pair of decent boots. Boots.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:26:04.75)
just to kind of cinch everything in together. I think I would say outerwear. I feel better with outerwear. Because you know in the summertime when it's too hot to wear a coat and you're in something real simple and you look kind of dumpy or whatever, I just feel like outerwear pulls things together and also always have a nice handbag. I don't have expensive clothing, but I like a nice bag.

And I buy things pre -owned. So I always really have. So I'll look for that designer bag that's pre -owned. I try not to use leather, but like with a designer bag, how some have like the canvas coating and all that with like the leather trim, if I buy it pre -owned, damage is done. It's not having any of the off -gassing issues when you buy.

new products, you are not recontaminating the environment and air. And you're giving something like a second life and it's expensive. Definitely. I like a good bag and I like outerwear. What about you? What about me? Oh, can't leave the house with that. I've answered it on some others. Really funny. Like I always have to have ibuprofen on me just in case, because if I don't, someone will get a headache. There will be something. That's why.

I do have to wear a watch. I don't have an iPhone watch or whatever. I don't even know. What's this called? Neither do I. It's just too complicated. There's something with a wristwatch. I feel weird if I don't have a wristwatch on. We're also Gen X too. So we are the best generation that probably wore watches or even know what a watch is. I know. Yeah. Kids are, cause we're getting into school too and I'll show them a watch.

one of the tests I give to test their sounds, how they say their sounds, they have a watch. And because of the clock, I'm like, kind of. Look, I have one on. But then they do end up knowing it though. They end up like knowing it somehow. So we'll see. I'll keep that alive for kids. It's millennials, you know, the millennial generation. We are the generation that raised ourselves. Yeah. Yes. That's okay. We did.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:28:30.67)
And my mother to this day gets really annoyed because we would say, I don't know, like during the summer, we were just gone till it got dark. We took our bikes. It was an adventure. No one knew where we were. No one gave a shit. Like they didn't care. They only were like, oh wait, as when those lights would go on in the neighborhood, at least in my neighborhood, that's when we knew we'd get our, know, dances back. For me, because we didn't have the, we didn't have like street lights, but it would be, we'd usually get.

It would be by dark in the summer or we'd hear, there'd be the scream, you know, and you're like, bye. Like everybody would be called. Like get called. You can hear them. Oh yeah. I mean, we weren't that far away either, but you heard them. I mean, those voices and it was always the mom. You did not hear any dad yelling. It was always the mom screaming. They didn't even know what was going on. Had to reply to dads. They didn't know. They were like, I go to work. Come back. There's a lot of yelling.

I basically shut down emotionally and I ignored it. Maybe I'll have a beer and I'll watch a show and then I'll continue to ignore it. And then I'm just going to go to bed. And they will watch it. I know in my house, he better be able to watch that news. That was the one time he took over the TV too, like, I mean press. News. And did you ever think one time of insisting to your father or to your mother about what was on the radio?

Did you ever take, did you even suggest, I don't want to listen to this. Like a freaking hand would have came back. What? What? You're just like, no qualms, no qualms. They just say all of it. Like, you know what would have happened to me? How do I respond to a parent like that? How do you don't, it's like, and they always are like,

I'm so proud of myself. I'm like, good, I want you to be proud of yourself. Do you know what I mean? You would never occur to me to say, I'm so proud of myself. I would be told, why are you so full of yourself? Why are you so conceited? You take that down a notch. I brought you into this world, I can take you out. Take you right out, yes. Oh my God. Look at that.

Jacqueline Hanzl (01:30:56.942)
It's a totally different time. And then my mother is like, you're just exaggerate. No, I don't exaggerate. You have a phone cord wrapped around like several parts of the house because you wouldn't get off the phone and it was a cord so you can catch us. Pull a surprise a hair. What are you doing to your brother? You know, it was a different time. None of that's allowed anymore. You would go to jail now. So.

Isn't it so weird how that's that generation? We were the last generation of like all of that. Yep. True. That's it. The buck stops right here jacking with us. Look at us now on the remote computer. I'm a YouTuber. It's kind of like George Jessens, right? Yeah. We're on a screen and we're chit chatting and we're far away from each other. Yeah. We can see each other. Yeah. It's like this is what we...

We carry these around, you know. It's what we do now. Crystal computers. It's crazy. It really is. All right. Well, thank you so much. Yes, thank you. so happy we got to do this. Me too. Well, thank you everyone for watching. And hopefully see you again. Thank you.